Shrinkage: Bad for Guys...and Girls!

I'm talking about hair ladies! Get your mind out of the gutter ;-)

Shrinkage is when you jump out of the shower with your "long hair don't care" swag and an hour or two passes by, you look in the mirror, and...It's short again!!! Ugh! Happens to the best of us and I wish I could find a cure. However, here are some tips that may help:

1. Products. When you use products, such as leave in conditioners, it weighs your hair down a bit and makes it look a little longer.

2. The "Pull Down" effect. What I do is when my hair is about 75% dry, I will start pulling it down with my hand. It sounds weird, but it works! Can't explain it!

3. If you are not anti straightening, (Some ladies are which is alll good ;-)), flat iron it every now and then. It'll give you a bit of versatility and help to switch it up a bit. BUT, beware of heat damage!!! If you are doing it at home, or even at the salon, make sure you are protecting your hair with something. Heat damage is not the pun intended. ***I'll post on straightening natural hair later :-)

4. Do a twist out. This should give you some length, but you'll still get that "full" look of your natural hair.

Here is what shrinkage looks like:

I'm all excited...

And then... :-(

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kaycee...It's Dominique from Columbus High

    I just wanted to let you know I think those pics are gorgeous! Your natural hair is so beautiful....not everyone has soft curly hair like you....Gals like me...well lets just say we have "kinky and Crazy" hair...I'm also natural but my hair takes forever to grow...I will definitely keep up with your blog...when you get a chance check mine out...I'm a Free-Lance Make-up Artist...Thanks for the Tips!
